Student Loan Repayment

Help employees pay off student debt faster.

What is Student Loan Repayment?

Student loan repayment is a benefit where employers contribute payments towards an employees existing student loan debt. This may take the form of a set payment or a matching programme.

Benefits to Employer

Employers benefit from improved recruitment and retention of talent, particularly among younger workers and employees that have attended globally competitive universities. Reducing financial stress among employees can lead to better productivity and focus at work.

Benefits to Employee

Employees benefit from faster repayment of their student loans, which can reduce financial stress and increase their ability to allocate more of their income towards other financial goals. This can impact employees long-term financial health.

The Ben platform

Ben is easily the most engaged initiative we’ve ever had. It gets everything to everyone in different locations, and I can’t even tell you how much time it’s saved us.

Headshot of Fraser Hopper
Fraser Hopper,
Head of Operations at Chattermill

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