The Ben Benefits Certification Badge

Spotlight your
employee benefits

Attract top talent to your business with a certified Ben Badge
Get started
Join these top companies in becoming Ben Certified
Improbable logo
Zalando logo
Itsu logo
Pleo logo
Sygnature Discovery Logo
Octopus energy logo
The Deliveroo logo

Switch Your Benefits On

Give your employee benefits programme the credit it deserves by taking our 5-minute certification survey.  We’ll then review your offering and be in touch with a certified Ben Badge if you’re successful. And you’ll be automatically in the running for our annual Ben Awards later this year…
Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health
Life Insurance
Disability Insurance
Dental & Vision
Financial Planning
The Ben Benefits Certification Badge

What a Ben Badge tells candidates

You truly care about your people
You take this stuff seriously. Your employee benefits help to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels seen and valued.

You go above and beyond industry standards
Compared to similar sized companies in your industry, your benefits are top notch. Ben benchmarks your business as part of the certification process.

You’re expert-approved
An external panel of industry experts has reviewed and assessed your full employee benefits package and given it a huge seal of approval.

An image showing the Ben Certified company page, where you can host your companies benefits to attract potential candidates

Why get certified?

Show potential employees that your employee benefits are the very best of the bunch.
of employees say their employer 
doesn't offer the right benefits to support them
Source: Black Hawk Network
of employees would choose 
an employer who had better benefits.
Source: HR Magazine
of people who left their job said finding one with better benefits was a reason.
Source: Forbes

How it works

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.
Take a 5-minute survey
Take our five-minute survey to request Ben Badge certification.
Our experts review it
An expert panel (with a total of 40+ years of experience in the benefits industry) score your company’s benefits programme based on a number of factors.
Get your results
A member of the Ben team will be in touch with your results.
Shout out about it
If you’re successful in earning a Ben Badge, we’ll give you all the marketing material to shout about your newly approved status. And you’ll get featured on our website.

About Ben

Ben is the world’s most flexible employee benefits platform. We provide whatever you want, however you need it, to deliver a meaningful benefits strategy.
Where Ben is being used right now
Participate in our industry benchmarking survey
Our Benefit Design’s team shared experience in the industry
We are serving every day with benefits
A world map showing all the places people have taken Ben's benchmarking survey

Our experts

We are dedicated to talent managers and HR professionals who aim to elevate their company's attractiveness and retention strategy through verified and standout benefits.
David Duckworth
Founder & COO
Former co-founder of Opendoor. Early staff at Spotify and
Carl Chapman
Head of Marketplace
Lead engineering teams at Figma, Pitch, and Protocol Labs.
Kim Reynolds
Head of Talent
Former PM for Linear, Lambda School, and On Deck.
Dan Wyatt
Benefit Design Lead
Former frontend dev for Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript.

Join us in recognising excellence!

Partner with us and join an elite group of certified companies that are already experiencing the transformative benefits of Ben Certification. Boost your company’s profile, attract the right talent, and build a happier, more stable workforce.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about becoming Ben Certified.

What if my benefits are not good enough to pass the certification?

Don't worry, our Benefit & Rewards Specialists will get in touch and can help you build out your best benefits package.

Can I benchmark without being certified?

Yes, you can always opt out of the certification and use our benchmarking product completely for free.

Who decides whether my benefits are good enough?

Our industry experts (link to section) created a strict set of standards that we’ll use to decide whether a benefits package qualifies. After completing our deep dive benchmarks, we’ll have all the data we need to assess your offering against our standards.

Our benefits aren’t that good, should we still use the Benchmarking tool?

Absolutely! You can always submit a new benchmark whenever your offering changes, meaning you can track your progress over time. By submitting a survey you will also get access to comprehensive industry data which will be crucial in improving your benefits package.